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Documents & Forms

Policies & Handbooks

All policies created at Saint Patrick School are considered “local policies”. They are in addition to our Diocese of Grand Rapids School Policy.  All policies are in our handbook found below.

Online Resources

We use a variety of online resources to keep our parents up-to-date and make resources easily accessible. Infinite Campus allows parents to track their students' grades, attendance, and more.  The Finalsite Enrollment Portal contains all of the enrollment forms, tuition, and billing information you may need. The Brightwheel Portal is for our Child Care enrollment, communication, and billing.

Family Resources

We are proud to offer resources to our parents to help them catechize and protect their families. FORMED is a streaming service that gives you access to Catholic movies, kids shows, and much more. It is free for our community members. Protect Young Eyes helps parents understand the latest digital trends. Our Family of Faith program is a family approach to faith formation that supports and encourages parents as they embrace their role and promises of instilling the faith to their children.

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ST. PATRICK SCHOOL,  4333 Parnell Ave NE Ada, MI 49301  |  Tel: 616-691-8833 

School Office Hours: Monday- Fri: 7:30am-3:45pm

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